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Parents as Learners

School Community Association (SCA)

SCA is committed to promoting and building a strong CIS community through an active partnership between the school and the parents.

SCA is dedicated to providing the best possible social environment for our children and the school community. To achieve this, SCA works passionately with parents, teachers, students and the entire CIS community to achieve our goals which include:

  • To encourage more participation from all stakeholders, teachers, students, admin and parents.
  • To continue to share different cultures through various events all year
  • To add value to the CIS community


We want to  build a happy & positive  environment in CIS!

As a parent/guardian of CIS, you are automatically a member of the SCA and we look forward to your active participation all through the academic year. SCA strongly believes working together will add more value to the greater CIS community.

We organize various school events and fun fundraisers throughout the school year. Some major events are Teachers’ Day, Halloween, Winter holiday Party, Multi-Cultural Day, Movie nights, Staff Appreciation Day…and many more. Do check out the SCA calendar for the events lined up for this year.

We would like to welcome all parents to be a volunteer and join us to make these events fun. There are no membership fees. We appreciate your input and support through the year ahead.

Connect with the greater CIS community through SCA. We look forward to having you as a part of our active team.

CIS Purpose of School Community Association (SCA) Download Now!