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Teaching and Learning at CIS in Bangalore

Teaching and
Learning at CIS Bangalore

Canadian International School attracts and supports a wide range of educators from around the world.  Our dedicated faculty from India and around the globe work collaboratively and strive towards developing collective efficacy.  We do so by focusing on three pillars of efficacy: focus on a common direction provided by our guiding statements, caring about each other as human beings and educators, and actively growing as professionals through providing and participating in continual professional growth.  Our faculty all contribute to who we are as a community.

CIS is a safe school for all adults and students and we adhere to strict child safeguarding practices, inclusing international background checks through an outside provider for all of our faculty and staff.  CIS follows the International Task Force on Child Protection Rights & Responsibilities.

  • All children have equal rights to be protected from harm and abuse.
  • Everyone has a responsibility to support the protection of children.
  • All schools have a duty of care to children enrolled in the school and those who are affected by the operations of the school.
  • All actions on child protection are taken with consideration for the best interests of the child, which are paramount.