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Humans of CIS

Humans of CIS was created to bring awareness
to the diverse background and experiences of our CIS Community. 
The stories shared by students, parents, teachers, and other persons impacted by the CIS community,
share a unique perspective to our Community of Learning. Take some time to listen and view the videos below. 
This page is updated regularly, so check back for new updates often.

Nicolas CIS Student

Samanthea Laitflang, Middle School Team Lead at CIS

S.T.W, JKA CIS Student

Floriane and Mathieu, CIS Parents

A.N. IGCSE 10th grade CIS Student

Elenita Nakahiro, SCA Treasurer

L.S, Grade 4 CIS Student

Haritha, CIS Parents

Y.G.M.W, 1A CIS Student

Balancing Books and Well-Being: A Student's Guide to Stress Management
Ted Mockrish

When it comes to preparing students for the future, career counselling plays a pivotal role. In international schools like CIS Bangalore, career counselling goes beyond the basics of college admissions, delving into empowering students to explore their interests, develop essential skills and understand the myriad career pathways available to them. It’s about fostering a sense of ownership over their future and providing the guidance needed to navigate the complexities of career development.

The Significance of Emotional Intelligence in School Education
Ted Mockrish

Beyond academic achievements, the ability to navigate emotions, understand others, and foster positive relationships plays a pivotal role in shaping students' success and well-being. The significance of emotional intelligence in school education is enormous, as it helps students achieve academic excellence and develop interpersonal skills. 

Creating a Supportive Environment for Students
Ted Mockrish

The Canadian International School (CIS) in Bangalore has taken a proactive approach to this, fostering an environment where students can thrive academically and emotionally. We have successfully devised strategies that can be beneficial for both parents and educators to support the students.