Elementary School
Early Years Program
The Early Years program at CIS is designed for children between the ages of 3 to 6. It consists of Pre-Kindergarten (PK), Junior Kindergarten (JK) and Senior Kindergarten (SK). The students learn through inquiry and play using the CGC framework of incorporating conceptual understandings, competency, and character building. The Early Years program addresses not only developmentally appropriate academic milestones of literacy, numeracy, global perspectives and science, but a child’s personal emotional and social growth as well through thematic units. Each unit is transdisciplinary in nature in order to provide meaningful learning experiences. In addition, the Experiential Learning program adds real-life experiences to the units, making learning come to life.
The day in the Early Years program consists of homeroom time where much of the unit learning occurs. Homeroom classes are comprised of a homeroom teacher and a teacher assistant. Specialists' classes are dispersed throughout the week and include Art, Music, PE, ICT and Hindi Culture. These classes are taught by teachers specialised in their respective subject areas. There are snack, lunch, and recess breaks throughout the day allowing for social interactions as well as building on their fine and gross motor skills.
- Visual Arts
- Music
- Physical Education and Swimming
- Technology Integration
- Hindi Language and Culture
- Library
Elementary Program
The CIS Elementary school program is comprised of grades Grade 1 through 5. We focus on providing an engaging learning environment nurturing a student’s academic success, as well as their social, emotional, and physical growth. Students are given experiential learning opportunities that allow for deeper contextual knowledge, tapping into their curiosity and love of learning. The program is made up of thematic transdisciplinary units through the CGC framework of conceptual understanding, competency, and character building. Each unit addresses the grade-appropriate learning objectives from the Cambridge Primary Curriculum, ensuring students’ academic success as they move through the Elementary program. The learning objectives are derived from the following subject areas.
- English, Maths, Science, & Global Perspectives
- World Languages
- Technology
- Music and Visual Arts
- Physical Education, Swimming, & Sports
The day in the Elementary program consists of homeroom time where much of the unit learning occurs. Homeroom classes are comprised of a homeroom teacher, a teacher assistant, and an EAL teacher. Specialists classes are dispersed throughout the week and include Art, Music, PE, ITC and World Languages. World language options include Mandarin, French, Spanish and Hindi. EAL (English as an Additional Language) services are also available for students that require additional English language support. Specialist classes are taught by teachers specialised in their respective subject areas. Additional support for students includes counselling and learning support services. There are snack, lunch, and recess breaks throughout the day allowing for social interactions and building on physical activity.
Events and celebrations are also a big part of our EY/ES program, fostering a sense of community and belonging. Events and celebrations are an embodiment of our core values of joy, integrity, respect, care, and inspiration. Through having a supportive learning community, we aspire to the following:
- Students feel safe to make mistakes and learn from them.
- Students feel accepted
- Students feel heard.
- Students feel celebrated and appreciated