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Rendering social and emotional
support for Students

CIS Counsellors

CIS counsellors understand children’s developmental, social, and emotional needs to fully support our students' well-being. Our counsellors are culturally sensitive and aware of each child’s unique qualities. Counselling at CIS is a partnership between children, the counsellor, teachers, and parents. We know that the best way forward to support a child holistically is to have all of the child’s caregivers involved in the process.

How do CIS Counsellors help?

CIS Counsellors support well-being through:

  • Developing trust among students and adults
  • Exploring emotions, thoughts, and behaviour with individuals and groups
  • Helping individuals become more aware of self and community values
  • Supporting people to plan and set personal or behavioral goals
  • Guiding people to improve relationships and interactions
  • Sharing strategies to help reduce stress
  • Developing a sense of well-being through identifying personal interests

The process of counselling takes place in:

  • Individualised counselling sessions for students, parents, and teachers
  • Group counselling
  • Whole class or grade level counselling
  • Supporting families in transition
  • CIS Child Protection advocacy services.

Confidentiality and Partnership

All interactions with CIS counsellors are confidential. This applies to children as well as parents and staff. Young children and teenagers have a right to privacy. However, the counsellor works with children to understand the importance of including parents in key areas they may need to know. CIS counsellors also have a duty to avoid harm. As such, counsellors may need to share confidential information with the Child Protection Leader if a child, parent, or someone else is in clear and imminent danger.

Things to Look Out For

  • Coffee with Counsellors
  • The Helping Hand-Student Support Newsletter
  • Student and Parent Ambassadors
  • Student and Family Transition Teams